A technician in a navy blue uniform inspecting a large water heater replacement with a clipboard in hand.

Water Heater Replacement

Jackson's Trusted HVAC Experts Since 1981

Water Heater Replacement Services

Are you finding yourself running out of hot water more frequently? Are there rust spots appearing on your water tank? If so, it may be time to consider replacing your water heater. Like all heating and cooling fixtures, water heaters wear out over time. When faced with this situation, you have two options: endure cold showers and shivering hands or, if you reside in the Jackson area, reach out to the heating and cooling experts at Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning.

To discover if a new water heater replacement is on the horizon—and to learn about steps you can take to extend the lifespan of your current unit—continue reading.

A commercial van with "Aspen Plumbing Services" branding, indicating it serves Jackson, MI, and surrounding areas for water services.
Professional Water Heater Replacement

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Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater

At Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning, we recognize the challenge of deciding between repairing and replacing your water heater. Often, you may not even be aware that there’s an issue with your water heater. To simplify the process of gauging whether a new water heater is necessary, we’ve compiled a list to assist you in assessing your needs:

Has your water heater been a fixture since you moved in? Has it witnessed your children’s growth over the years? If it’s approaching double digits in age, opting for a replacement is often a more financially prudent decision than attempting repairs. At this stage, trying to patch up the issues is akin to using duct tape to salvage the Titanic.

What color does your water appear when you first turn on the tap? If it’s an unsightly rusty red, this could indicate that your water heater may require replacement soon. Sediment accumulation in inadequately maintained units can lead to tank degradation and potentially foster bacteria growth.

When you turn on your hot water faucet and only receive cold water that fails to warm up, it’s a clear indicator that something is wrong with your water heater. Before stepping into the shower, it’s essential to verify the issue. Start by checking the circuit breaker and the status of the pilot light. If neither of these resolves the problem, don’t hesitate to contact us for a complimentary water heater quote.

Take a sip from a glass of tap water. How does it taste? Does it have any unusual odors? If you detect a metallic tinge, it could indicate that your water heater’s tank is deteriorating, affecting the quality of your water supply.

Is the water from your water heater warm but not reaching the desired hot temperature? Have you ensured that it’s set to at least 120°F (49°C)? If adjusting the temperature doesn’t resolve the issue, it could be a sign that your heating element is failing. In such cases, prompt service and a potential replacement quote from us may be necessary.

Are you losing sleep due to loud cracks and popping noises emanating from your water heater? These sounds often result from sediment buildup affecting the heating elements and the tank. While cleaning may resolve the issue in some cases, it’s also a good opportunity to consider obtaining a quote for replacing the unit.

Have you become familiar enough with our plumbers to address them by their first names? Have we made multiple visits to your home this year? These signs may indicate that the major components of your water heater are deteriorating. In such instances, replacing the unit is often a more cost-effective solution than prolonging the life of a failing one.

Leaks are always cause for concern. If you notice water pooling around your water heater, it’s likely that the seals on the tank have deteriorated. In such cases, replacing the unit, possibly with a tankless model, is generally the most effective solution.

A man with crossed arms wearing a white shirt with a name tag and an American flag patch, representing Jackson Plumbing services.

Importance Of Professional Water Heater Installation

If you’re considering installing a new water heater yourself, it’s worth reevaluating. This task is far from simple, and the repercussions of errors can be dire. Just as you wouldn’t represent yourself in court or attempt your own brain surgery, installing your own water heater is not advisable. Here are a few risks associated with opting for a DIY approach to water heater replacement:

Natural gas water heaters pose significant safety risks. An error during installation could potentially lead to an explosion, endangering both yourself and your property. Considering the potential consequences, is the few hundred dollars you might save by installing the unit yourself worth the risk?

An incorrectly vented water heater can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Given that this lethal gas is odorless, its presence in your home could go undetected. It takes a genuine heating and cooling professional to ensure that your unit is properly vented, safeguarding you and your family from potential harm.

The staff at your local hardware store may not possess the expertise of product specialists when it comes to water heaters. While they have good intentions, their recommendations may not always align with your family’s specific requirements, potentially resulting in a unit that is either too large or too small. To ensure that you have a water heater that perfectly suits your needs, it’s best to entrust your Jackson water heater installation to a team of heating and cooling experts.

When it’s time to sell your home, that DIY water heater installation could present unexpected challenges. You’ll likely need to incur costs for permitting and inspection. If the installation fails inspection, you’ll be faced with additional expenses to rectify any errors. Dealing with these issues while trying to move can add unnecessary stress to an already demanding process.

If issues arise within the first couple of years following a DIY water heater installation, you’ll likely be responsible for covering the repair costs. However, when you enlist the expertise of a professional heating and cooling team, such as the one at Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning, you can have peace of mind knowing that our work is backed by warranty and guarantee.

Jackson's Trusted Experts Since 1981

The Best Way to Protect Your Water Heater Investment

Aspen One Hour Heating & Air is a customer-focused heating and cooling Ensuring your water heater operates safely is important. These units have numerous safety devices that require routine testing. The only way to confirm they are operating as intended is to regularly schedule a water heater inspection. These maintenance visits help guarantee your water heater is safe to operate, however.

Water heater maintenance also keeps your unit running efficiently. During regular operation, calcium and other minerals build up in your system. These sink to the bottom of the unit, serving as a barrier between the heating element and the tank. This makes it harder to produce hot water and can lead to weak spots in your tank. During our checks, our plumbers will flush your water heater, freeing it from clogging sediment buildup.

Skipping recommended maintenance visits can drastically decrease your system’s lifespan. While visiting your home, our plumber can spot minor issues before they lead to a problem that requires whole system replacement. They will also test all components for any signs of weakness or misfire. When done, they’ll report these findings back to you.

Invest in a quick tune-up on your water heater to protect the investment you made in it. Give us a call today to speak with one of our specialists who can assist you with any water heater question or concern you have.

See What Sets Us Apart From Our Competition

Why Choose Us?

We have been dedicated to providing the absolute best home heating and cooling services to the Jackson County area since we opened our doors back in 1981. From the professionalism of our salespeople, to the dedication of our technicians, we are committed to delivering you the absolute best HVAC services. We take our responsibility very seriously when you place your trust in us and provide both performance and satisfaction guarantees on all of the work that we complete. Call us today or schedule your service to find out for yourself why we have earned a reputation of integrity and quality work since we opened our doors in 1981.

A yellow and gray commercial van branded with "Aspen One Hour Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing" and promotional text about service priorities.
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We offer a wide range of financing options for every budget and situation and can finance both large and small heating and cooling projects. For more information, call us today to speak with a member of our team who can answer any questions you may have. For immediate approval, click on the link below to get approved in just a few minutes.
Two colleagues shake hands across a table while a smiling woman with her arm around one of them looks on at their home.
Excellence has been our hallmark since 1981

Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning

A yellow and gray commercial van branded with "Aspen One Hour Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing" and promotional text about service priorities.
Map of Michigan with highlighted counties in the Eastern Time Zone, marked by heating and cooling symbols on the southeastern and southern parts of the state.

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